for all

A core founding pillar of Two Hands Preschool is our commitment to building a fair and inclusive society. We are focused on reducing the disadvantage gap and we champion inclusivity by reserving one in five preschool places for children from low-income families.


Two Hands Educational Trust is a not-for-profit organisation that supports the preschool in co-funding and overseeing bursary places.

School bursaries transform the lives of children and young people. Most bursaries focus on primary or secondary education, yet it is our early years that shape the adults we become.

Disadvantaged children start school behind their peers when they begin school and, unless it's tackled, that attainment gap widens as children progress through the education system – particularly during secondary school. The evidence is clear that early years education for under-fours has a positive impact on a child's life chances, and this benefits society as a whole

One in five preschool places will be reserved on bursary to children from low-income families

Donating to the Educational Trust

Each bursary place is fully funded, so families can access everything Two Hands has to offer without any costs to pay. Early years education and care is expensive, mostly because of the need to reward qualified and dedicated staff with appropriate salaries.

Current government funding initiatives hardly scratch the surface, so we ask you to please make donations to the foundation if you can. Contributions to Two Hands Educational Trust go a long way because:

  • They are matched pound-for-pound by Two Hands Preschool Ltd.

  • All our trustees’ time is unpaid and our overheads are met by Two Hands Preschool Ltd, meaning your donations directly benefit those children receiving bursaries.

Two Hands Educational Trust is company limited by guarantee, registered in England & Wales number 15314533. Registered office: 1 Poultry, c/o Praxis, London EC2R 8EJ.